You are here: Modules > Sales Invoicing

Sales Invoicing

The Sales Invoicing Module uses financial information that has been entered into Concept Evolutionto create invoices for clients. The financial information can be drawn from a Task, a Facilities Booking or a Contract. The flexibility of the Module allows an invoice to be created for different clients at different rates. Once the client has been invoiced and has made payment, Concept Evolution can record all payments received and any credits given to allow reconciliation of accounts.

Process Overview

For the Sales Invoicing Module to work efficiently some initial set up must first occur. This involves setting up some coded lists to enable easy reporting and recording of the methods and terms for receiving and making charges, credits and payments. There are also settings that can be added to set User’s authorisation levels and system wide preferences to dictate how the Sales Invoicing Module will work and appear within your organisation.

Once the initial set up has been completed a list of clients will need to be created. Clients are the people or organisations that will be invoiced. They can be set up as individuals and companies or can reflect Contract set up. When the client has been set up rules can be specified as to how and what to charge the client for, this is done by setting up Sales Invoicing Rule Groups.

Every invoice produced within Concept Evolution is created by use of a Rule Group (the only exception to this is manual invoicing). The Rule Group is what specifies where in system the financial information is pulled from. A Rule Group contains a series of attributes and values, that if met will cause Concept Evolution to produce an invoice, if no match is found, no invoice will be produced.

When the relevant Rule Groups have been set up for a client, invoices can begin to be produced. To produce an invoice, a draft copy is initially generated; this draft can be checked and amended before it is sent to a client. The invoice can then be issued to a client to request payment.

Upon receipt of payment from the client a record will need to be made of how much the client has paid and which invoices the payment was to cover. Once an invoice has been paid in full it can be marked as complete.

There will be occasions where a credit will need to be raised to a client. This credit will need to be raised in a draft form, checked and issued to the client.


Settings > Sales Invoicing

Icon Feature Description
Sales Invoice Credit Reasons Create the list of reasons why a Credit may be applied to an Invoice.
Sales Invoice Code Categories Create a list of Sales Invoicing Code Categories.
Sales Invoicing Code Nominal Create a list of Nominal Codes that can be attached to a Sales Invoice line item.
Sales Invoice Code Type Create a list of the Code Types that can be attached to a Sales Invoice.
Sales Invoice Export State Create a list of Sales Invoice Export States to indicate if the invoice has been exported to third party software.
Sales Invoice Level Of Completion Create a list of Sales Invoice Levels of Completion, to give an indication of what internal stage an invoice is at.
Sales Invoice Payment Terms Create a list of the expected Payment Terms for Clients.
Sales Receipt Methods Create a list of the ways in which monies are received.
Invoicing Rate Groups Create a discipline based rate matrix for Task / Time Record based invoices.
Sales Invoicing and Credit Preferences Set system wide sales Invoice and Credit preferences.
Statutory Holidays Create a list of Statutory Holidays for use in Invoice Rate Groups.
Statutory Holiday Groups Group Statutory Holidays together for use in Invoice Rate Groups.

Settings > Authorisation

Icon Feature Description
Sales Invoice Ranges and Limits Set up authorisation levels for Sales Invoicing.
Sales Credit Ranges and Limits Set up authorisation levels for Sales Invoice Credits Notes.

Settings > Contracts

Icon Feature Description
Schedule Of Rates Category Create categories for Schedules of Rates.
Schedule Of Rates Sub Category Create sub categories for Schedules of Rates.
Schedule Of Rates Master Groups Create a master Schedule of Rates that can be imported to a Contracts.


Facilities > Contracts

Icon Feature Description
Sales Invoice Contract Schedules Create Contract schedules for Invoicing.

Task Management

Task Management > Advanced Helpdesk - Sales Invoicing

Icon Feature Description
Advanced Helpdesk Sales Invoicing Raise a single invoice from the Advanced Helpdesk


Sales Invoicing > Modules

Icon Feature Description
Sales Invoices The Sales Invoice grid shows all invoices which can be viewed and maintained from this grid. Manual invoices can also be raised from here.
Sales Credit Notes Raise and maintain Sales Invoice Credit Notes.
Clients Set up and maintain Clients to be invoiced.
Sales Accounting Period Set up and open and close Accounting Periods.
Sales Invoice Receipts Record and collate Sales Receipts against Invoices.
Sales Invoice Batches View batches of Sales Invoices.
Sales Invoicing Rule Group Create Rule groups that define what is invoiced for a client.
Sales Invoice Batch Generation Sales invoices can be generated in batches through Batch Generation.