You are here: Modules


The Module Sub navigation contains all of the add-on modules available to enhance the functionality of Concept Evolution.

Icon Feature Description
Homepage - See Widget Setup Part of the Reach module, if Concept Evolution Users are given access to Reach pages they will be able to view them here.
Catering Management Part of the Facilities Booking module, the Catering Management grid shows all catering that has been ordered. This allows a clear view of all catering requirements past and present.
Concept Reports View and run Concept Reports.
Crystal Reports View and run Crystal Reports.
Inventory Management Part of the Facilities Booking module, the Inventory Management grid shows all Inventory that have been ordered. This allows a clear view of all Inventory requirements past and present.
Facility Booking The Facilities Booking module allows the booking of Facilities and Locations.
Projects The Projects Module is designed to allow you to manage a range of Tasks grouped together under a single project banner.
Purchase Orders The Purchase Order module allows Purchase order to be raised to reflect expenditure within Concept Evolution, these can be attached to Tasks and used in conjunction with the Stores module to purchase Stock.
Quotes The quotes module features two types of quotes. Requested Quotes are raised and issued to sub contractors to request prices for carrying out quoted works. Issued Quotes are sent to Clients to gain approval for carrying out quoted works.
Stores The Stores module allows all stock to be monitored and maintained. It can be used in conjunction with the Purchase Order module to enable ordering.
Sales Invoicing The Sales Invoicing module allows for Tasks, Contracts and Facilities Bookings to be invoiced.
SLA The SLA editor allows a businesses service level agreements to be built into a matrix that feeds from Task data.
Visitor Management Part of the Facilities Booking module, the Visitor Management grid shows all visitors. This allows a clear view of all visitor details past and present.
Mobile Audits Part of the GO module, Mobile audit Results can be viewed from this grid.
Attributes The Attributes grid allows access to see all attributes that have been applied within Concept Evolution.
Payment Mechanism Task Period Batches for Payment Mechanisms are run here, they are the bulk processing of PayMech to Tasks.