You are here: Modules > Sales Invoicing > Sales Accounting Period

Sales Accounting Period

Accounting periods are used to help distinguish when tax should be paid on income and gains.

An Accounting Period must be open to allow creation of an invoice. Accounting periods are opened and closed manually. The system will produce a prompt if an attempt is made to try to close an Accounting period when there are invoices still outstanding. An outstanding invoice is an invoice that has been raised within an accounting period but has not been completed. It will be possible to close this invoice in another Accounting Period; however it will reflect a different Tax Point to the Accounting period it was raised in.

Modules > Sales Invoicing > Sales Accounting Periods

The link will open the Sales Accounting Period grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Sales Accounting Period click New , to edit an existing Sales Accounting Periods click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Sales Accounting Period.

ClosedClick to view - Sales Accounting Periods Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save and Close .

Add Multiple Sales Accounting Periods

Note: Once an Accounting Period is closed it cannot be reopened.

Note: Sales account periods cannot have crossed time lines e.g. two periods could not be created with dates that span March 2016.

Additional Icons

Icon Feature Description
Open Sales Accounting Period Click to open a sales accounting period.
Close Sales Accounting Period Click to close a sales accounting period.