You are here: Modules > Sales Invoicing > Sales Invoicing Rule Group

Sales Invoicing Rule Group

Sales Invoicing Rule Groups set the attributes and values that invoices are to be calculated by. These can be set up directly from the Client screen or from Modules > Sales Invoicing >Sales Invoicing Rule Groups.

A new Rule Group will need to be created to reflect the different ways each Client is to be invoiced.

An invoice can be created to charge for one of the three types of entity: a Contract, a Task or a Facilities Booking.

When a Rule Group is created collection and calculation details are added to specify what attributes and values are used to determine the finances associated with an invoice.

This gives great flexibility in what is specifically invoiced to each client. An example of this would be that only certain types of Task in certain Buildings against certain Contracts are invoiced to a particular Client.

Available from 4.5.1

Sales Invoice Rule Groups are also used to generate accurate financial values for the Work In Progress (WIP) module. The Invoice Type can be set to "Cost" and the collections and calculations are used to gather the current cost values of open Tasks.

Note: The WIP module only calculates Task costs, therefore any WIP related Sales Invoicing Rule Groups must have a Rule Type of "Task".

The list of Sales Invoicing Rule Groups are maintained here.

Modules > Sales Invoicing > Sales Invoice Rule Groups

The link will open the Sales Invoice Rule Group grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Sales Invoice Rule Group click New, to edit an existing Sales Invoice Rule Group click Edit. A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Sales Invoice Rule Group.

ClosedClick to view - Sales Invoicing Rule Group Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Invoicing Rule Group header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned.

These include:

Collection details must also be added to the Rule Group.

Note: All Invoice Rule Groups are suspended when they are first created, they must be activated to be used. Invoice rule groups can be activated and suspended as required.

Add Collection Details

Grouping and Formatting

Additional Icons

Icon Feature Description
Add Collection Details Adds collection details to invoice rule groups.
Mark as Active Activates the rule group.
Mark as Suspended Suspends the rule group.