You are here: Modules > Sales Invoicing > Sales Invoice Batches

Sales Invoice Batches

Once a batch of invoices has been generated the details can be checked through Sales Invoice Batches.

Modules > Sales Invoicing > Sales Invoice Batches

The link will open the Sales Invoice Batches grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

Opening a batch will allow a User to view the details of invoices created from the Batch Generation.

The upper section of the page describes the details of the batch itself. The lower part of the page lists the rule groups used to generate the batch

Available from 4.5.1

Sales Invoice and Cost Invoice Rule Groups can be seen in their own grid.

Additional Icons

Icon Feature Description
Delete Batch Deletes the Sales Invoice batch - this can only be done if all invoices are still in a draft status.
Regenerate Dormant Rule groups Regenerate the rules group and the associated entities to update values and costs.
Edit Batch Clicking will open the batch and allow the view and edit of all generated invoices - any Tasks that have been invoiced in the batch can also be viewed from the sub navigation Tasks in Batch.