You are here: Modules > Sales Invoicing > Sales Invoices

Sales Invoices

The Sales Invoicing Grid displays all current invoices. Invoices can be worked on mass from the grid by highlighting multiple entities or singularly by either highlighting one invoice or by opening the invoice.

Modules > Sales Invoices

The link will open the Sales Invoicing grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

This grid show all Invoices that have been created by batch generation, manual invoices can also be created from the grid.

To add a new Sales Invoice click New , to edit an existing Sales Invoice click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Sales Invoice.

When sales invoices are processed and managed they are taken through certain stages.

Note: All of the Above Stages can be done through the Sales Invoicing Window. Before you move the invoice through the various phases appropriate checks may be carried out to ensure quality. Whilst in the draft and unauthorised stage invoice details can be altered.

ClosedClick to view - Sales Invoice header Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view Sales Invoice Header Other Tab Fields and Descriptions

Complete / edit the fields and click Save . Once the Sales Invoice header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned.

These include:

Line Items

Item Breakdown

Clicking the check box Show Breakdowns for all line items will show the details breakdown of how the invoice costs were generated.



Sales Invoice Additional Icons

Icon Feature Description
Add Line item Adds an additional line item to the invoice.
Recalculate Invoice If the invoice is in draft status and costs have been altered on the entities used to calculate the invoice, clicking this icon will recalculate the invoice according to its rule group, picking up any changes to costs.
Approve Invoice Approves the Sales invoice.
Authorise Invoice Authorises the sales Invoice.
Issue Invoice Issues the Sales Invoice.
Complete Invoice Completes the Sales Invoice - all credits and receipts should be added before an invoice in completed.
Cancel Un-Issued Invoice Cancels an un-issued invoice. If an invoice has been issued incorrectly it would need to be credited and re invoiced.
Delete Deletes the Sales Invoice- this can only be done in draft status.
Print Invoice Prints the Sales Invoice
Print Invoice Copy Prints a copy invoice.
View Source Clicking this icon from a line item will hyper-link the user to the base entity e.g. the Task, Facility Booking or Contract.
Link Object to invoice line item If raising a manual invoice the User may wish to link the line item back to a system entity. From the line item click the icon from the drop down select the item to link. Check Deduct value from future auto-generated invoices if the line item amount is to be deducted from future generated invoices.