You are here: Facilities > Assets


An Asset is a piece of equipment or kit that needs to be maintained. Every Asset to be tracked and maintained through Concept Evolution must be defined in the database.

Assets are grouped together using systems, types, tags and names, these must be created before the Asset.

Settings > Assets

Icon Feature Description
Asset System An Asset System represents the top level of grouping for Asset information.
Asset Tag An Asset Tag represents the second level of grouping for Asset information beneath Asset System.
Asset Type An Asset Type is the third level down in the grouping of Assets.
Asset Name An Asset Name is the fourth level down in the grouping of Assets.
Asset Code Template The Asset Code Template forces Concept Evolution to create a unique Asset Code according to the template rules when a new Asset is created.
Asset Condition Asset Condition allows a numerical value to be stored against an Asset to reflect the condition of the Asset.
Asset Status Assets have a status to indicate whether they are Active, Suspended or Historic, the list can be extended according to business need.
Asset Networks Asset Networks allow a User to identify the networks an Asset belongs to e.g. the mains water supply may feed the HWS, CWS and drinking water supply.
Connection Types Connection Types are used to define connections between Assets e.g. supply, data, flow or structural connections.
Asset Classifications

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Asset Classifications are used to bring structure and consistency to Asset Registers and should be the foundation of any effective asset management strategy. They allow system administrators or asset managers to define the acceptable rules for the assets in the asset register, on a building by building basis if required.

Asset Classification Groups

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Asset Classification Groups are used to group together Asset Classifications. This allows different groups to be applied to different buildings.

Facilities > Assets

Icon Feature Description
Assets An Asset is a piece of equipment or kit that needs to be maintained .Every Asset to be tracked and maintained through Concept Evolution must be defined in the database.