You are here: Whats New > 4.4 > Asset Hierarchies 4.4.6 > Assets


An Asset is a piece of equipment or kit that needs to be maintained .Every Asset to be tracked and maintained through Concept Evolution must be defined in the database.

The list of Assets is maintained here.

Facilities > Assets

The link will open the Asset grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

Note: To review Historic Assets check the Show historic Assets Box.

To add a new Asset click New , to edit and existing Asset click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of an Asset.

Note: In version 4.7 onwards the order of the Asset fields was altered and the spatial tab was added

ClosedClick to view - Asset Details Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view - Notes Tab Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view - Asset Financial / Risk Tab Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view Spatial Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Asset header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned.

These include:

Additional Icons

Additional Icons Feature Description
Asset Status

An Asset Status can be changed from the default Status. Click the icon, from the drop down select the required Asset Status.

  • When an Asset status is changed from Active to Suspended, PPM status will show as "Suspended by Asset"
  • When an Asset status is changed from Active or Suspended to History, PPM status will show" History By Asset"
Run Health Check for Selected Assets

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Click to run a health check according to the Assets classification

Service Details



Asset Responsibility


Stock - Stock Module only


Floor Plan - Excitech module only


Asset Grouping

Additional Asset Grid Icons

Icon Feature Description
Asset Status Change the status of the Asset
Run Health check for selected Assets

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Select Asset /s from the grid and click to run a health check according to the Assets classification

Health Check Report

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Click to run a comprehensive health check report for all Assets in the Asset Register

Health Check Status Legend

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Click to see the legend that explains the meaning of each Health Check Status

Assign Asset Classification

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Select Asset/s from the grid and click to assign an Asset Classification. Note this could change the Assets System, Tag, Type and Name

Asset Health Check Quick Fix

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Select one or more Assets from the grid, click and check the required radio buttons to

  • Re-evaluate the Asset Health Status for these Assets - The Asset Health Status will be re-evaluated for all Assets prior to any further quick fix actions. This action will always be performed when running a Quick Fix and cannot be de-selected. It will only be performed for Active and Suspended Assets
  • Automatically set Classification for Assets - If an Asset has a combination of System \ Tag \ Type \ Name that is a valid classification for the Asset's Building then the quick fix will assign the appropriate classification to the Asset. Use this action as a quick way to classify Assets when classifications are set up for the first time or if new assets are imported via a method that doesn't enforce classifications. This action will only be performed for Active and Suspended Assets
  • Suspend Active Assets & PPMs with Invalid Classifications - If an Asset has a combination of System \ Tag \ Type \ Name that cannot be matched to a valid classification for the Asset's Building then the quick fix will automatically change the status of the Asset. The exact status to assign to affected Assets can be selected from the Asset Status drop down. This action will only be performed for Active Assets. If this option is ticked then the Asset Status drop down will become available allowing the selection of the required Status to assign to auto-suspended Assets