You are here: Facilities


The Facilities Menu contains all of the actual elements such as Assets and Buildings used within the Concept Evolution system.

Icon Feature Description
Assets An Asset is a piece of equipment or kit that needs to be maintained .Every Asset to be tracked and maintained through Concept Evolution must be defined in the database.

The Contacts manager is used to record information about the people related to an organisation.

Contacts can be attached to many entities within Concept Evolution, these include Buildings, Assets and Contacts. The Contacts manager is also used on the Advanced Helpdesk for rapid entry of the person or reporter logging an issue.

Contracts Each Contract within Concept Evolution should reflect an operational division within a business. This may be a relationship with a single Supplier; an individual Site; regional office or whatever other divisions best suit the organisation.
Documents The Document Manager provides a central location for uploading and reviewing Documents attached (or to be attached) to entities within Concept Evolution.
Property and Estates Property and Estates enables the creation of Site, Buildings Areas and Locations. Lease, Rent and Rate Registers are also managed here.
Resources Create Resources, these are the people (and companies) that are used to carry out Tasks within Concept Evolution.
BIM Manager Upload BIM Documents and view 3D BIM models