You are here: Settings > Assets > Asset Classification Groups

Asset Classification Groups

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Asset Classification Groups are used to group together Asset Classifications. This allows different groups to be applied to different buildings.

Example: Asset Classification Group A assigned to Building 1, Asset Classification Group B assigned to Building 2. When the classifications are used to run health checks Asset Classification Group A will be used to check Building 1 and Asset Classification Group B will be used to check Building 2

The list of Asset Classification Groups are maintained here.

Settings > Assets > Assets Classification Groups

The link will open the Assets Classification Groups grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Assets Classification Groups click New , to edit an existing Assets Classification Groups click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Assets Classification Groups

ClosedClick to view - Assets Classification Groups Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Asset Classification Group header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be created / assigned.

These include:

Asset Classifications

Creating Compulsory Assets




Additional Icons

Icon Description
Activate the Asset Classification Group. Activation is captured as a System Event and will be visible in the Events sub navigation for the Group
Suspend the Asset Classification Group. A reason for suspending any Asset Classification Group must be provided. Suspension is captured as a System Event and will be visible in the Events sub navigation for the Group
Delete the Asset Classification Group. A reason for deleting any Asset Classification Group must be provided. Deletion is captured as a System Event and will be visible in the Events sub navigation for the Group
Create a copy of the Asset Classification Group, including all Asset Classifications assignments

Note: The Asset Classification group must be Active to be in use