You are here: Settings > Assets > Asset Classifications

Asset Classifications

Available from

Asset Classification module required

Asset Classification are used to bring structure and consistency to Asset Registers and should be the foundation of any effective asset management strategy. They allow system administrators or asset managers to define the acceptable rules for the Assets in the Asset Register, on a Building by Building basis if required. This includes:

Asset Classifications can be used to set the rules for new Assets added to Evolution from multiple sources, including manual entry, excel imports, workflow imports, COBie imports and the FSI GO Asset Management activity.

Once rules are defined they can also be used on existing mature Asset Registers as a way to analyse the accuracy of Asset data. The system includes quick and easy tools to correct any identified errors or gaps in data:

This is done within an Asset Classification using a combination of System /Tag /Type and Name.

Multiple Asset Classifications can be created within Concept Evolution this allows for different classifications to be applied at the Building level allowing flexibility depending on the specific requirements e.g. one set of Asset Classifications could be applied to the head office building, a different set could be applied to a retail outlet.

Asset Classifications can be used to:

The list of Asset Classifications are maintained here.

Settings > Assets > Asset Classification

The link will open the Asset Classification grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Asset Classification click New , to edit an existing Asset Classification click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of an Asset Classification

ClosedClick to view - Asset Classification Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Asset Classification header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be created / assigned.

These include:

Classification Groups