You are here: Modules > Quotes


The quotes module allows for Quotes to be requested from Sub Contractors and Quotes to be issued to Clients. Tasks can be raised from an approved quote to allow a record of the subsequent works to be monitored and held.

Settings > Quotes

Icon Feature Description
Quote Rejection Reasons Quote Rejection Reasons are a list of reasons why a Requested Quote may be rejected.
Quote Referral Reasons Referral Reasons are used on the occasions when a Requested Quote may need to be referred to another User.
Quote Return Reasons If using the Concept Connect module, Requested Quotes can be returned to a Supplier to allow them to adjust and resubmit a quote.
Quote Preferences Quote Preferences allow default setting for the Quotes module to be set up and maintained.
Quote Review Criteria The Quote Review Criteria forces a Requested Quote to be reviewed based on the Cost Centre and Code it is raised against, before it can be Approved.
Quote Approval Reasons When a Requested quote is Approved an Approval Reason can be attached.

Settings > Authorisation

Icon Feature Description
Requested Quotes

Set User Preferences for Quote duplicate checks.

Settings > User Preferences > Requested Quotes

Icon Feature Description
Quotes Authorisation Ranges and Limits Authorisation Limits allow thresholds to be defined up to which specified Users can approve a Quote, but be forced to gain authorisation from another User if their limit has been exceeded.

Task Management > Advanced Helpdesk

Icon Feature Description
Advanced Helpdesk - Requested Quotes A Requested Quote can be raised from the Advanced Helpdesk.
Advanced Helpdesk - Issued Quotes An Issued Quote can be raised from the Advanced Helpdesk.

Modules > Quotes

Icon Feature Description
Requested Quotes Create a Quote for Sub Contractors, and record the Supplier Costs.
Issued Quotes Create a quote for a Client.