You are here: Modules > SLA


SLA (Service Level Agreements) enables Concept Evolution to calculate SLA's according to predefined portions of time. This can be as simple as using the Task Priority or can be more complex using working hours and complex calendars such as school terms.

Settings > SLA Settings

Icon Feature Description
Calendar Sessions

The hours in the day can be collated into Calender Sessions.

Calendar Days Calender Sessions are used to create Days. Days may be single or multiple sessions.
Calendars Days are used to build Calendars. Calendars are can be added to the SLA Editor to affect SLA's and Resources to create shift patterns.
Calendar Templates Calender Templates allow a pattern of days to be set up that can be used within Calenders to quickly set up Calender Dates.
SLA Preferences SLA Settings enable the preferences to be set for Calender session response times.

Settings > Tasks > Task Preferences

Icon Feature Description
Task Preferences Set Task Preferences for Task Periods.

Modules > SLA Matrix

Icon Feature Description
SLA Editor The SLA Editor allows a User to build a specific SLA's matrix (Service Level Agreements) for their Business.