You are here: Modules > Projects


The Projects Module is designed to allow you to manage a range of Tasks grouped together under a single project banner. Concept Evolution provides multiple levels of authorisation for each project and access to all of the standard task features to allow for efficient assignment, management and tracking of all your project tasks.

Settings > Projects

Icon Feature Description
Project Risk Statuses Project Risk Statuses are used to identify how real a risk is e.g. ‘Confirmed’, ‘Suspected’ or ‘Highly Probable’.
Project Authorisation Models The process of authorising a project may require sign-off from several levels of management. Once sign-off has been given from one level, it is passed onto the next level, and so on until all levels have given sign off and the project is activated.
Project Risk Types Project risks can be grouped by the type of risk e.g. health and safety or environmental.
Project Statuses A project can be assigned a status to identify how it is progressing; e.g. awaiting client authorisation or On hold.
Project Risk Impacts A risk impact can indicates a scale of the effect a risk my have on a project e.g. bad weather could have a high impact on an outside project.
Project Categories Projects can be grouped by categories these could reflect the general reason for the work e.g. small works or renovations.
Project Types Project Types allow projects to be grouped together by type e.g. construction or ongoing maintenance.
Project Risk Probabilities Project Risk Probabilities scale the likelihood of a risk occurring e.g. highly lightly to occur.
Project Recharge Codes Recharge Codes can be assigned to Projects to assist with reporting and cost tracking.
Project Recharge Code Type Project recharges can be broken down into types to further understand charging.
Project Priorities Projects can be prioritised to aid in understanding urgency.
Project Fund Sources Project Fund Sources allow a project manager to understand what source funds are from e.g. a specific person or department.

Modules > Projects

Icon Feature Description
Projects The Projects Module is designed to allow you to manage a range of Tasks grouped together under a single project banner.