You are here: Settings > Widget Setup

Widget Setup

Concept Reach provides simple functionality for end-users and clients, allowing them to log their own helpdesk calls, book meeting rooms, book in their visitors, run reports and review documents; without giving them access to the full-featured Concept Evolution

Settings > User Accounts

Icon Feature Description
User Accounts Ensure the User has the correct permissions. license and access to menu items to be able to access Concept Reach
Roles Ensure the Role has the correct permissions. license and access to menu items to be able to access Concept Reach

Settings > Widget Setup

Icon Feature Description


A Widget is an element that can appear on a User created page. Many widgets can be created and placed on multiple pages.
Pages Pages are used to display widgets.
Menu Items Menus are used to navigate to the Pages which contain Widgets.
Facility Booking Preferences Set Facilities Booking Preferences within Widgets.
Zone Settings Zone settings are used to set the background image and Location areas for Live View and Visual Booking Widgets
Live View Summaries Summaries connect to System Queries within the Live View Widget, the Summaries are then used to group and colour information.

Facilities > Contacts

Icon Feature Description
Contacts If the User has access to Widgets that require Contact information, connecting the Contact to the User Account will cause the widget to auto populate the Contact details.


The Concept Reach will have a separate URL to Concept Evolution. The user must have a User Account to be able to log into Concept Reach

Concept Reach