You are here: Modules > Projects > Projects


The Projects Module is designed to allow the management of a range of Tasks that are grouped together under a single project banner. Concept Evolution provides multiple levels of authorisation for each Project and access to all of the standard Task features to allow for efficient assignment, management and tracking of all your Project Tasks.

Modules > Projects

The link will open the Projects grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Project click New , to edit an existing Project click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Project.

ClosedClick to view - Projects Fields and Descriptions

Project Tasks can be set default values to speed up the process of creation. When a Project Task is subsequently raised the default values will auto populate.

ClosedClick to view - Task Defaults Tab Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view - Notes Tab Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Project header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned.

These include:

Project Contracts

Project Recharge Codes

Task Groups

Project Risk Log

Authorisation Progress

Cost Summary

Recharge Summary

Project Contacts

Additional Icons

Icon Feature Description
Open report Print the Project Details Report.
Open Gantt Chart Open the Project Gantt Chart.
Export to MS Projects Export the Project to Microsoft Projects.
Project back to Dormant Move the Project back to a dormant status.
Request Authorisation Request authorisation for the Project
Approve Approve the Project.
Reject Reject the Project.
Cancel Cancel the Project.
Complete Complete the Project.