You are here: Facilities > Contacts > Contacts


The Contacts Manager is used to record information about the people related to an organisation.

Contacts can be attached to many entities within Concept Evolution, these include Buildings, Assets and Contacts. The Contacts Manager is also used on the Advanced Helpdesk for rapid entry of the person or reporter logging an issue.

Facilities > Contacts

The link will open the Contacts grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Contact click New , to edit and existing Contact click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Contact.

ClosedClick to view - Contacts General Tab Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view - Contacts General Tab Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view - Contacts Employment Tab Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view - Contacts Additional Notes / Needs Tab Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view - Contacts Communication Preferences Tab Fields and Descriptions

Available from

Complete the fields and click Save .

Once the Contact header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned.

These include:

Assign Activities

Assign Assets

Associated Locations


Additional Icons

Additional Icon Name Description
Contact Status

Available from

From the drop down select the Contact Status

To create a Contact Status see Contact Status