You are here: Facilities > Contacts


Contacts are used to record information about the people related to an organisation.

Contacts are used in a number of areas in Concept Evolution including Buildings, Assets and Contracts. Contacts data is also used on the Helpdesk for rapid entry of the person or reporter logging an issue.

Settings > Contacts

Icon Feature Description
Desk Status Desk status is used to indicate modes of ownership or use of a desk by Contacts.
Team Teams can be used to create sub-groups within an organisation that Contacts may belong to, for example Fire Marshall’s or First Aiders.
Activity Type

Contacts may be required to undertake certain activities. Creating Activity Types will allow a record to be held of these activities.

Positions Concept Evolution allows various positions within an organisation to be defined for Contacts.
Employment Types Employee Type is used to identify the different types of Contacts within an organisation, for example: Sub-Contractor or Building Manager.
Grades Some Organisations use a grading system for Contacts.
Contact Classes Concept Evolution allows classes to be defined for each Contact, for example Site Manager or Contract Manager.
Contact Status

Available from

Contacts can now have statuses making it much easier for clients to manage their contact directory. Contacts can be moved to History which will remove them from selection in all operational areas without affecting data integrity. Additional statuses can be configured to give full control of the exact status of contacts

Contact Preferences

Available from

Administrators can use Queries to control the options shown to Users in the various fields and drop downs that list names in the Contact Manager.

Facilities > Contacts

Icon Feature Description

Contacts are used to record information about the people related to an organisation.

Contacts can be attached to many entities within Concept Evolution, these include Buildings, Assets and Contacts. Contacts data is also used on the Helpdesk for rapid entry of the person or reporter logging an issue.