Contact Preferences

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Administrators can use Queries to control the options shown to Users in the various fields and drop downs that list names in the Contact Manager. This feature can be used to filter out any unwanted Contacts (e.g. use a query to only include Contacts with a status of Active) or to enforce selection of Contacts based on attributes of the Account that is logged on (e.g. use a query that says the User will only see Contacts that are in the same Department or Building as them)

Settings > Contacts > Contact Preferences

The link will open a pop up window that will allow the Contact Preferences to be set

Click to view - Contact Preferences Fields and Descriptions

Field Name Description
Self Service Contact Details  
Filter the list of available Buildings to only show those Published to the Account Check the box to allow Users to only see Contacts in Buildings that have been published to their User Account
Hide Communication Preferences Check the box to hide the communication preferences
Default Contact Directory Search Behaviour The following queries control the default behaviour of the Contact Directory search fields in key Evolution and Connect pages.
Tasks Query From the drop down select a query to filter the available contacts in Tasks
Facilities Query From the drop down select a query to filter the available contacts in Facilitates Booking
Visitors Query From the drop down select a query to filter the available contacts in Visitor Booking

Complete the fields and click Save and Close .