You are here: Modules > Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

When a Purchase Order is initially created, it is classed as a requisition and will only have a Request Number, it is in a draft stage at this point and can be editied. Once approved an Order Number is generated and attached to the request and the PO becomes Active.

Modules > Purchase Orders

The link will open the Purchase Orders grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Purchase Order click New , to edit an existing Purchase Order click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Purchase Order.

ClosedClick to view - Purchase Orders Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Purchase Order header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned.

These include:

Purchase Order Line Items

Goods Received

Received Items

Linked Purchase Orders


CSF Audit

Purchase Order Additional Icons

Icon Feature Description
Add / Edit Item Adds a line item to a Purchase Order.
Delete Line Item Deletes a line item from a Purchase Order.
Authorise Purchase Order Authorises a Purchase Order from Dormant to Active Status.
Split Purchase Order A Purchase Order can be split if it has two or more line items. When a Purchase Order is split, a new Contract, Supplier and Delivery Point can be added. This enables a User to easily split an order at any point if the order cannot be completely fulfilled by the original requested Supplier.
Complete Purchase Order Completes the Purchase Order - once a Purchase order has been completed it cannot be reactivated.
Purchase job Card Prints the Purchase Order.
Add Goods Received Receives goods on an active Purchase Order.
Allocate Payments Once a payment has been made, it can be allocated to the line items.
Paid Mark payment as paid.
Unpaid Mark a payment as unpaid.
On Hold Mark a payment as on hold.
Off Hold Removes an on hold status.