You are here: Modules > Quotes > Issued Quotes

Issued Quotes

Issued Quotes follow a similar pattern to Requested Quotes. However, in this model the quote is instigated by a client and can involve other suppliers.

The finished quote can show quoted works to be completed by your company and can if required contain quoted works which will be completed on your behalf by subcontractors (uplifts can be added to these costs)

Modules > Quotes > Issued Quotes

The link will open the Issued Quotes grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Issued Quote click New , to edit an existing Issued Quote click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Issued Quote.

ClosedClick to view - Issued Quote Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Issued Quote header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be created and assigned.

These include:

Adding Line Items

Requested Quotes

Linked Quotes

Additional Quote Features and Icons

Icon Feature Description
Open Report Opens the Issued Quote report.
Create a Task Once a Quote has been accepted a Task can be raised to complete the quoted works. Clicking Create a Task raises a Breakdown Task with the Service type of Quoted Works.
Issue Issues the Quote to the client, the client can then decide how they wish to proceed.
Accept Quote Clicking Accept Quote on the Quote header will accept the quote and move the Quote status to Approved.
Toggle on Hold A Quote can be put ON HOLD at any-time up to the Complete Status. To reactivate the quote re click Toggle on Hold.
Cancel Click to cancel the Quote. Once a Quote has been cancelled it cannot be restored.
Complete Click to move the Quote Status to Complete. Once a Quote has been completed it cannot be restored to Approved.
Send to History Click to move the Quote Status to History. Once a Quote has been moved to History it cannot be restored to Complete.