You are here: Modules > Quotes > Requested Quotes > Supplier Quotes

Supplier Quotes

Once a Requested Quote Header has been completed and the Line Items added, the Suppliers who will be providing Quotes can be added. If Using Concept Connect module, the Supplier can log on and record and submit their cost breakdowns, if Concept Connect is not being used then the cost breakdowns can be recorded in Concept Evolution.

Once the costs have been received from Suppliers the quote can be either Accepted or Rejected.

Modules > Quotes > Requested Quotes - Supplier Quotes

The link will open the Requested Quotes / Supplier Quotes grid. It is a two grid view which can be sorted and customised as normal. The upper grid will show all Suppliers assigned to the Requested Quote. The lower grid will show the Supplier costs for the Supplier highlighted in the upper grid.

To assign Suppliers click Assign , entities in the right hand assignment window are connected.

Costs must then be requested from the Supplier. Highlight the required Suppliers and click Request Quote from Supplier , the Requested Quote will now have the status in Concept Evolution of Active.

To add costs for a Supplier , double click the Supplier in the Upper Grid.

If Concept Connect ™ is in use see the Supplier can log on to connect and repeat the below process. The Quote in Concept Connect will have the status of Requested.

ClosedClick to view - Supplier Quote Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Requested Supplier header has been completed and saved the costs can be added to the individual line items.

Adding Costs to Line Items

Submission History

Complete the fields and click Save and Close .

Additional Supplier Quote Features and Icons

Icon Feature Description
Duplicate Query If the Requested Quotes User Preference has not bee set to auto check for duplicate quotes this can be manually checked by clicking Duplicate Query.
Request Quote from Supplier Click to request a quote from the Supplier.
Refer Quote from Supplier Click to Refer the Quote from the Supplier to another User - this can only be done with Active Quotes - for more information see Quote Referral Reasons.
Return Quote to supplier Click to return the Quote to the Supplier for them to amend - Concept Connect module required.
Approve quote from Supplier and reject others Click to approve the Quote from the Supplier, a generic rejection reason can be selected to reject any other assigned Suppliers.
Reject Quote Supplier Click to reject the Quote from the Supplier. Rejecting Quotes individually allows different rejection reasons and comments to be added to each Supplier.
Edit Line items can be edited by highlighting the Line Item and clicking Edit.
Open Report Click to open the Requested Supplier Quote report.