You are here: Task Management > Helpdesk


Concept Evolution provides two Helpdesk windows; the standard Helpdesk and Advanced Helpdesk. The Helpdesk provides all the basic functionality required for logging a Helpdesk call.

Task Management > Helpdesk

The link will open a pop up window containing the Helpdesk.

ClosedClick to view - Helpdesk Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Helpdesk header has been completed and additional Icons will appear to allow additional actions to the Task.

Helpdesk Additional Icons

Icon Feature Description
Job Card Click to print the Job Card.
Mark Task as Complete Click to move the Tasks status to Complete.
Sign off Task to History Click to move the Tasks status to History.
Mark Task as Active Click to move the Task back to Active - all Resources must be removed from this action to occur.
Cancel Task

Click to Cancel the Task - cancelled tasks cannot be reinstated.

Note: The capability to restore Cancelled Tasks was added in Version 4.4.7

Bulk Copy Task Click to create multiple copies of the Task.
Take Ownership Click to take ownership of the Task.