You are here: Facilities > Property and Estates > Rent Register

Rent Register

The Rent Register window allows details to be recorded of any Rents and their payments defined against the Leases on the system.

Facilities > Property and Estates > Rent Register

The link will open the Rent Register grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Rent Register click New , to edit an existing Rent Register click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Rent Register.

ClosedClick to view - Rent Register Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Rent Register header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned.

These include:

Rent Payments

Rent Review


Note: Rent registers can also be created and amended from the Building or Location entity.