You are here: Task Management > Advanced Helpdesk > Advanced Helpdesk Associated Tasks

Advanced Helpdesk - Associated Tasks

Tasks can be linked together to show a common association such as caused by the same asset or to show that the asset was under maintenance which caused a reactive Task. Tasks are linked through Associated Tasks

Task Management > Advanced Helpdesk - Associated Tasks

The link will open the Advanced Helpdesk / Associated Tasks grid. It is a grid view that can be sorted and customised as normal.

To associate a Task to an existing Task click Link to existing Task , a pop up window of the Task grid will appear, find the required Task in the Grid and double click to connect. The original Task will be the parent Task.

To link to a new Task click Link to New Task , a pop up window with a part completed Advanced Helpdesk will appear, complete the Advanced Helpdesk fields and save. Upon save the new Task will be linked to the original as a child Task.