You are here: Task Management > Tasks


The Tasks grid, by default displays all current Tasks including Tasks that are Unauthorised, Active, Assigned and Complete.

The option Show Historic Tasks may be checked to also display all Tasks in History.

The list of Tasks are maintained here.

Task Management > Tasks

The link will open the Tasks Grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

Highlighting multiple lines in the Task grid and clicking the grid icons will allow feature actions to be carried out on multiple Tasks.

To add a new Task click New , to edit an existing Task click Edit .

Task Icons and Descriptions

Additional Icon Feature Description
Assign CSF to selected entity Click to assign CSF (Customer Satisfaction Form) to Task / s.
Job Card Click to print Job Card / s - if multiple tasks are highlighted multiple print windows will open.
Batch Job Card Click to batch print Job Cards - only one print window will appear if multiple Tasks are highlighted.
Time Record Review Click to short cut to Time Records sub navigation in Advanced Helpdesk.
Open Task Navigator Click to open the Task Navigation window - creates a separate pop up window which will allow a Task to be searched for without disturbing current grid view.
Issue PPMs early Click to short cut to Issue PPMs.
Bulk Authorise Task Click to Authorise Task / s.
Bulk Task Complete Click to Complete Task / s.
Cancel Task Click to Cancel Task /s.
Bulk Task Sign Off Click to Sign Off Task / s.
Assign Events to Task Click to add an Event to Task / s.
Assign Document to Task Click to add a Document to Task / s.
Assign Time Record to Task Click to assign a Resource to Task /s.
View Rota Window Click to view the Rota window for the selected Tasks - Task can be assigned within this window.
Take Ownership Click to Take Ownership of Task /s.
Remove Ownership Click to Remove Ownership of Task /s.
Adjust Task Lock Click to Adjust Task / s Lock Status
Toggle grid between normal and attribute view Click to toggle to Task grid to the Task Attributes grid.