FSI Go Server Details
Concept Evolution will be configured to know the address and login details of the GO Integration Account in order to connect to GO.
This will be configured by FSI on install/ integration.
Settings > FSI GO > FSI Go Server Details
The link will open a pop up window which will allow the creation or amendment of the FSI Go Server Details.
The URL of FSI GO. |
Tenant ID |
The unique tenant id. |
Username |
The user name of the FSI Go Integration User. |
Password |
The password of the FSI Go Integration User. |
No Resources to draw |
Available from 4.5.3
Set the number or Resources to be shown on maps using the Find Nearest Function - for more information see GO Resource Functionality
Radius of Search |
Available from 4.5.3
Set the default radius of the search for the Find Nearest Function - for more information see GO Resource Functionality
Default Zoom Level |
Available from 4.5.3
Set the default zoom level when opening a map with the GO Integration functions
Default Latitude |
Available from 4.5.3
Set the default Latitude when using the Find Building on Map Function - for more information see Building Register
Default Longitude |
Available from 4.5.3
Set the default Longitude when using the Find Building on Map Function - for more information see Building Register
Complete the fields and click Save and Close
Note: Changing any of the above settings is not recommended without the assistance of FSI (FM Solutions) Limited as this may cause the integration to cease working.