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Building Structural Hierarchy Overview

Available from 4.4.5

Enhanced functionality has been added to Building Structures to enable Countries, Floors, Areas, Regions and Portfolios to be created within the Property and Estates structure.

Building Type

Concept Evolution allows Buildings to have a Type connected to them e.g. Buildings contain only "Offices" or is a "Retail Unit", this can be useful for filtering and reporting.

For more information see Building Types

Building Status

Concept Evolution allows Buildings to have a status connected to them. This allows Buildings to be passed to History if no longer in use, or Suspended if under repair.

For more information see Building Status

Area Type

Area Types are used to group together areas which contain certain Locations e.g. All zones (areas) within areas of accident and emergency (Area Type).

For more information see Area Types

Region Type

Concept Evolution uses Regions to group counties together, these regions can have a Region Type connected to them e.g. geographical or economical, this can be useful for filtering and reporting.

For more information see Region Type

Portfolio Type

Concept Evolution uses Portfolios to group Buildings together, these Portfolios can have a Portfolio Type connected to them e.g. a Regional managers Portfolio or South East Retail Units, this can be useful for filtering and reporting.

For more information see Portfolio Type


Portfolios can have Buildings assigned to them to aid in filtering and reporting. They can also be placed in hierarchical structure using Portfolio Types e.g. grouping regional buildings for a regional manger.

For more information see Portfolios


Areas link together many Locations for filtering and reporting purposes. They are in hierarchical structure with Area Types as the top level of the hierarchy.

For more information see Areas


Regions are used to group together Countries e.g. geographical regions such as Europe or economical regions such as Asia Pacific. Regions can have a Region Type attached to them.

For more information see Regions


Buildings can have Floors assigned to aid in understanding the Buildings Structure and for filtering and reporting.

For more information see Floors


Countries have been created to form a drop down rather than a free text field.

For more information see Countries


Additional fields have been added to the Building Register

For more informations see Building Register


Additional fields have been added to the Location Register

For more informations see Location Register