You are here: Settings > Tasks > Task Lock Status

Task Lock Status

Available from 4.3.0

To avoid Users being able to change certain details against a Task, a Sub State of Locked can be applied. This will disable certain fields from being editable unless the User has the Account Permission to change the Sub State to either Unlocked or Not Applied.

When a Task is locked a User who does not have the permission to Unlock will not be able to:

Not applied is the default state when a Task is created. Tasks can only be moved from certain States to certain States e.g. A Locked State Task cannot be moved directly to a Not Applied State , it must first be moved to the Unlocked State and can then be moved to the Not Applied State.

Lock Status Status that Task can be moved to Purpose
Not Applied Locked Locks the Task
Locked Unlocked Unlocks the Task for editing
Unlocked Locked Locks the Task
Unlocked Not Applied Removes the lock from the Task

When a Task is Saved the Lock Sub State will become available.

Note: The Unlock State has been designed to enable Users to Edit Locked Tasks; once the editing has been completed the Task should then be moved to the Locked State. If a PPM is left in the Unlocked State it will show as locked in Task Control

If a Tasks Sub State is changed from Locked a prompt window will appear, this information will be stored as an Event against the Task.

Note: Display Events must be applied against the Table to view the Events