You are here: Settings > Tasks > Call Events

Call Events

Call Events allow a detailed record of any activities or specific Events that are carried out during a Task e.g. recording an incident that occurred as the Task progressed.

Ad-hoc Events may be entered on a Task by the User; a drop-down list may be defined to allow rapid entry of the more commonly used Events. These Events may also be identified as Mitigating Events for reporting and use with the ISM Module.

The list of Call Events are maintained here.

Settings > Tasks > Call Events

Note: If using the ISM module Call events can also be added from Settings > Integrated services > Call Events

The link will open the Call Events Grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Call Event click New , to edit and existing Call Event click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Call Event.

ClosedClick to view - Call Event Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Call Event header has been completed and saved a sub menu will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned.

These include:

Mitigating Reasons - ISM module

