You are here: Settings > Finance > Reference Groups

Reference Groups

Reference Groups are used to group together financial information for cost summary details within Cost Centres. They are used in conjunction with Posting References.

Posting References gather the costs which are then appended into a Reference Groups.

From the Cost Centre Cost Summary; financial information is grouped via the Reference Group. e.g. the Reference Group "Expenses" could be changed to "Outlays". For Concept Evolution to be able to use this Group, the Posting Reference that is pointing to F_TASKS - Expenses will need to be pointed towards the new Reference Group "Outlays"

For information on Posting References see Posting References.

The list of Reference Groups is maintained here.

Settings > Finance > Reference Groups

The link will open the Reference Groups grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Reference Group click New , to edit an existing Reference Group click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Reference Group.

ClosedClick to view - Reference Groups Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save and Close .

Note: It is not possible to add extra financial fields within Concept Evolution, this feature will allow the changing of the naming convention of the Reference Groups to meet business requirements.